Rachel Israel

Software Engineer

My Resume


I'm a full-stack software engineer who prioritizes learning to adapt quickly in an ever-evolving industry. My strong communication and writing skills, as well as my drive to effectively and efficiently help those around me both in personal and professional settings allow me to thrive in a variety of work environments and work effectively on teams, both in-office and remotely.
I was raised to value education and believe that learning something new every day is the most important thing you can do. I brought this value into my previous work in customer service, never running away from a challenging question and always wanting to dig in to help find a solution to the question at hand. To this day I try to ensure that I am constantly learning and asking questions.



Group Mern Project

A full-stack MERN project built on a team of four in four and a half days. The application stores user-provided recipes and images of the prepared recipes. Recipe Rolodex has full CRUD capability, however certain actions, such as creating or deleting a recipt, are only available to users who are logged in. Authentication was set up using passport.

Swanson Pyramid of Greatness API UI Project

A pyramid that when clicked opens a modal that displays a Ron Swanson quote retrieved from the Ron Swanson Quotes API. Additionally you can search the quotes by topic and the modal will display one quote about that topic. I used HTML and CSS to build the website and JavaScript to build the interactivity.

Front End Trivia Game

A trivia game built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. All the questions are being pulled from the Open Trivia Database API. A single player can select the number of questions they would like to answer, and then select from easy, medium, or hard, as well as the option for random levels of difficulty.

Python Command-Line Flashcard Trivia Game

Using Python and SQL, I created a database of questions that run in the command line and function as a flashcard game. User choses from one of three possible multiple choice questions and can add their own multiple choice question.

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